Your Relocation
Even if you are a seasoned globe trotter, moving to a new country is a daunting prospect. It is our job to make your relocation to Scotland as smooth and stress free as possible, whether you are moving by yourself or with family and pets.
Our Experience
We are at the forefront of the Scottish relocation industry and are recognised as experts in our field. This expertise ensures a cost effective, professional service at all steps of the relocation journey. Scott’s Relocation has been established for over 35 years and is a founding member of the industry’s professional body, the Association of Relocation Professionals (ARP). Our clients include private individuals, Scottish & UK companies, as well as global multinationals with Scottish operations.
Our Local Property Knowledge
Our in-depth local knowledge and long-standing relationships with all local property agents, puts us in the perfect position to ensure that we secure the best homes, that fit agreed briefs, at the right price.
Our Partners
When Global or UK based relocation agencies do not have an office in Scotland, we partner with them to ensure that their clients get a world class service. They entrust their clients to us for continued professionalism and quality care.
Our Coverage
We are based in Edinburgh and we offer services to clients moving to Edinburgh & The Lothians, The Scottish Borders, the Central Belt, Fife & Perthshire. In addition, out-with these core locations, we work closely with carefully selected partners to ensure smooth and cost-effective relocations for employees and individuals to other parts of Scotland and the rest of the UK.
Our Promise
We believe very strongly that a relocation service should not stop when a suitable property is found. We offer our relocation team’s attention and care for the entire length of a client’s stay and often we are our clients’ first friend in this country. It’s not unusual for us to introduce our clients to each other so common experiences can be shared.
We promise to maintain our open door policy, which is vital when you are on the other side of the world and quick responses are required in key negotiations. You’ll get our best attention, and communication at all times. We’re extremely proud of the service that we offer.